Research breakthroughs happen at the ELLICSR: Health, Wellness, and Cancer Survivorship Centre
The Electronic Living Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Cancer Survivorship Research (ELLICSR) is a health and wellness center opened on National Cancer Survivors Day, June 6th of 2010 and is part of the Princess Margaret Cancer Program at the University Health Network (UHN).
ELLICSR was made possible by a grant funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Research Fund, the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, the Quilt Project, the Weekend to End Breast Cancer and the Butterfield-Drew Cancer Survivorship Chair.
ELLICSR is a collaborative space for health, wellness and cancer survivorship research. The front-house of ELLICSR is designed as a welcoming community center, where all cancer survivors can come to get information on health and wellness, participate in a class or program, meet other survivors or sit and relax before or after appointments.
The back-house of ELLICSR provides essential and innovative research and clinical space for the Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship Program along with our clinical space at the Princess Margaret. Our research staff is engaged in a number of research activities, including developing and evaluating strategies to: promote patient engagement in self-management health-promoting behaviour; improve quality of life of cancer survivors and their families; assess the prevalence and impact of late and long-term physical, psychological, social and financial effects of cancer and its treatment; evaluate new models of cancer care and support, including the use of personal health information technology.
ELLICSR houses our research team and innovative self-management research facilities. We offer the opportunity to conduct translational research to inform clinical survivorship care. This platform specifically focuses on examining new approaches to predict, prevent and manage long-term adverse effects of cancer and its treatment and evaluating innovative models of follow-up care and support.