Welcome to the Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship Program!

Founded in 2005, the Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship (formerly called Cancer Survivorship) Program was created to provide comprehensive on-going care to cancer survivors. We provide the opportunity to conduct translational research to inform clinical survivorship care. This platform specifically focuses on examining new approaches to predict prevent and manage long-term adverse effects of cancer and its treatment and evaluating innovative models of follow-up care and support.

Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship is about living, surviving and having the best quality of life possible. The program provides patients and family members with the information and clinical support they need, when they need it, in various formats that are helpful, useful and effective. Best practice teaching methods and evidence- based guidelines are employed to deliver high quality care.In 2010, the ELLICSR Centre for Health, Wellness and Cancer Survivorship opened and has since provided essential and innovative research and clinical space for the Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship Program along with our clinical space at the Princess Margaret. Virtual ELLICSR expands the offerings beyond the physical walls of the centre, providing an infrastructure to support global survivorship research and health and wellness activities that are not bound by time or place. Through powerful networks Virtual ELLICSR can join together dispersed survivorship communities, host national survivorship rounds and facilitate collaborations between researchers who do not share geographic locations.

Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship is comprised of a diverse trans-disciplinary team which consists of physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, kinesiology, social work, exercise physiology, massage therapy, nutrition, nursing, physiatry and a variety of clinical and wellness programs and research staff and students.

Vision: Providing compassion and holistic impairment-driven cancer rehabilitation to patients during and after acute cancer treatment at the Princess Margaret.

Mission: To maximize the quality of life, functional independence, health and wellness of all cancer survivors in need at the Princess Margaret.